Buy Outdoor Gear Now, Pay Later

Shopping for outdoor gear but don’t have the cash up front? Want to make payments without using a credit card? Shop online with these outdoor gear brands and take advantage of their Buy Now, Pay Later features. Don’t wait; get what you want today!
Buy now, pay later apps allow you to make purchases online and pay them off over time in weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly installments.
What Does It Mean To
Buy Outdoor Gear Now, Pay Later?
To buy outdoor gear now, pay later means to quite literally buy the gear that you want now and then pay for it later. This option has become increasingly popular, even with lower-ticket items, including bikes and kayaks.
Buy Now, Pay Later companies sometimes charge interest, much like a credit card, but they may offer “interest-free” periods. If you pay off your balance before the period ends, you can avoid paying interest altogether. The regular interest rates on BNPL are typically very high.
According to CNBC, “Their sweet spot is young adults, particularly those who want to buy something now and don’t necessarily have the money on hand,” said Ted Rossman, an analyst at “These individuals are often wary of debt and may not have a ready alternative such as a credit card.”
The most popular BNPL options offered by merchants are:
- Bill Me Later / PayPal Credit
- Afterpay
- Affirm
- Klarna
- FuturePay
In most cases, BNPL apps offer good deals — as long as you pay off your balance on time. There are definitely some pitfalls to be aware of when using BNPL apps. (You can read about those here.) Overall, though, they’ve introduced a flexible and convenient way to finance your online shopping.
You can also Buy Athletic Wear Now, Pay Later. Check out our list of brands that offer this option here.
Rad Power Bikes | Affirm |
Jenson USA | Affirm |
Pro Bike Kit USA | Afterpay |
eSpin | Klarna |
Swagtron | Affirm |
Oru Kayak | Affirm |
Outdoor Play | Affirm |
Colorado Kayak | Affirm |
Aventuron | Affirm |
Brooklyn Bikes | Affirm |
Clever Training | Affirm |
Diamond Back | Affirm |